Bati Wanwil Komsos Dengan Ketua FKPM (Forum Kemitraan Polisi dan Masyarakat)

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Surakarta, – Bati Wanwil Serma Mugiyanto Koramil 03/Serengan, kodim 0735/Surakarta melaksanakan komsos dengan ketua FKPM (Forum Kemitraan Polisi & Masyarakat) Kemlayan bapak DRS Macfudz Ary Prasetyo M.Si Rt 01 Rw 04 Kemlayan Serengan Kota Surakarta, Selasa pukul 08.30 WIB. (19/12/2023)

FKPM Kelurahan Kemlayan Kecamatan Serengan kota Surakarta sekarang berjumlah kurang lebih 35 personil siap membantu kamtibmas berdampingan dengan Koramil & polsek / Muspika Serengan.

Serma Mugiyanto Menyampaikan Jadikan FKPM wilayah Kemlayan mitra koramil 03/Serengan dan Polsek Serengan untuk bersama sama menjaga keamanan serta kenyamanan di Kemlayan jadikan koramil ,polsek tempat untuk berkoordinasi dan bersinergi dalam membantu, menjaga dan memelihara keamanan wilayah Kemlayan.

Ucapan terima kasih juga di sampaikan ketua FKPM Kemlayan kepada jajaran keamanan wilayah kelurahan Kemlayan Kami bangga bisa menjadi mitra karib serta membantu kegiatan bhakti sosial, kebudayaan, serta Pengamanan yang langsung bersinergis dengan anggota TNI POLRI wilayah Kemlayan dalam hal ini dilaksanakan oleh koramil & polsek Serengan.

Respon (306)

  1. PBN sites
    We shall establish a structure of PBN sites!

    Pros of our private blog network:

    We perform everything so Google DOES NOT grasp THAT this A self-owned blog network!!!

    1- We acquire domain names from distinct registrars

    2- The primary site is hosted on a virtual private server (Virtual Private Server is rapid hosting)

    3- Additional sites are on separate hostings

    4- We allocate a unique Google account to each site with confirmation in Search Console.

    5- We develop websites on WordPress, we don’t utilise plugins with the help of which Trojans penetrate and through which pages on your websites are produced.

    6- We do not reproduce templates and use only unique text and pictures

    We don’t work with website design; the client, if wished, can then edit the websites to suit his wishes

  2. PBN sites
    We build a system of self-owned blog network sites!

    Pros of our PBN network:

    We carry out everything SO THAT google doesn’t grasp THAT this is A privately-owned blog network!!!

    1- We buy domains from distinct registrars

    2- The main site is hosted on a VPS server (VPS is high-speed hosting)

    3- The remaining sites are on separate hostings

    4- We allocate a individual Google account to each site with verification in Search Console.

    5- We develop websites on WP, we don’t utilize plugins with assisted by which Trojans penetrate and through which pages on your websites are established.

    6- We refrain from duplicate templates and utilise only individual text and pictures

    We never work with website design; the client, if desired, can then edit the websites to suit his wishes

  3. PBN sites
    We establish a structure of PBN sites!

    Merits of our private blog network:

    We carry out everything SO THAT google does not understand THAT this is A PBN network!!!

    1- We purchase domains from distinct registrars

    2- The main site is hosted on a VPS server (VPS is rapid hosting)

    3- The rest of the sites are on distinct hostings

    4- We assign a distinct Google account to each site with confirmation in Google Search Console.

    5- We design websites on WP, we do not utilize plugins with assistance from which malware penetrate and through which pages on your websites are created.

    6- We never reiterate templates and utilize only exclusive text and pictures

    We refrain from work with website design; the client, if desired, can then edit the websites to suit his wishes

  4. PBN sites
    We create a network of self-owned blog network sites!

    Merits of our privately-owned blog network:

    WE DO everything so google does not comprehend that THIS IS A PBN network!!!

    1- We obtain domains from distinct registrars

    2- The principal site is hosted on a VPS hosting (VPS is rapid hosting)

    3- The rest of the sites are on different hostings

    4- We designate a separate Google account to each site with confirmation in Google Search Console.

    5- We create websites on WP, we don’t employ plugins with the help of which malware penetrate and through which pages on your websites are produced.

    6- We don’t repeat templates and employ only distinct text and pictures

    We don’t work with website design; the client, if desired, can then edit the websites to suit his wishes

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